Memory game flashcards

Click any tile. Reload page to scramble.  Also, don’t miss Matching game flashcards!

[qdeck hide_qwizcards_icon=”true” align=”tiled” style=”width: 260px !important; min-height: 260px !important;” mobile_enabled=”Disabled”]

[q] ?


[qdeck hide_qwizcards_icon=”true” align=”tiled” style=”width: 260px !important; min-height: 260px !important;” mobile_enabled=”Disabled”]

[q] ?



[qdeck hide_qwizcards_icon=”true” align=”tiled” style=”width: 260px !important; min-height: 260px !important;” mobile_enabled=”Disabled”]

[q] ?



[qdeck hide_qwizcards_icon=”true” align=”tiled” style=”width: 260px !important; min-height: 260px !important;” mobile_enabled=”Disabled”]

[q] ?



[qdeck hide_qwizcards_icon=”true” align=”tiled” style=”width: 260px !important; min-height: 260px !important;” mobile_enabled=”Disabled”]

[q] ?



[qdeck hide_qwizcards_icon=”true” align=”tiled” style=”width: 260px !important; min-height: 260px !important;” mobile_enabled=”Disabled”]

[q] ?



[qdeck hide_qwizcards_icon=”true” align=”tiled” style=”width: 260px !important; min-height: 260px !important;” mobile_enabled=”Disabled”]

[q] ?



[qdeck hide_qwizcards_icon=”true” align=”tiled” style=”width: 260px !important; min-height: 260px !important;” mobile_enabled=”Disabled”]

[q] ?



[qdeck hide_qwizcards_icon=”true” align=”tiled” style=”width: 260px !important; min-height: 260px !important;” mobile_enabled=”Disabled”]

[q] ?



How I did this

The easy part is to create the “tiled array” of cards, with a shortcode for each deck like this: [qdeck align=”tiled”].  I also changed the size of each deck; see below.

The cards are displayed in random order with shortcodes [ simply-random].  This excerpt from the source for this page should help explain it:

[ simply-random draw_n=”9″][ simply-random-item][qdeck hide_qwizcards_icon=”true” align=”tiled” style=”width: 260px !important; min-height: 260px !important;”]

[q] ?


[/qdeck] [ simply-random-item] [qdeck …

[/qdeck] [ /simply-random]

A set of randomly chosen items is included between [ simply-random] and [ /simply-random] opening and closing shortcodes.  Each item begins with the shortcode [ simply-random-item].  The option draw_n=”9″ indicates that nine items will be chosen from the set.  They are drawn from the set “without replacement;” that is, once an item is chosen, it is no longer available to be chosen a second time.

My “items” are individual flashcard decks, each with just one flashcard (front and back).  I have 12 flashcard decks in my set, so you do sometimes get something new when you reload the page!

I did find it necessary to run the [ simply-random] shortcodes together all on one line, as in the example, in order to avoid any extra paragraphs or line-breaks that would interfere with the alignment of the tiles.

Details about the [ simply-random] shortcodes can be found on the Qwizcards reference page.