
Qwizcards online quizzes and flashcards is available as a WordPress plugin, and as stand-alone JavaScript that you can include in any web page.

WordPress Plugin

To install the Qwizcards WordPress plugin:

From your WordPress Dashboard, go to Plugins, then Add New.

Enter Qwizcards in the Search Plugins box at the top right.

Click Install.

Or, you can download the plugin and install it manually:

Go to to download to your local computer.

Upload the plugin file to your WordPress plugins directory (…/wp-content/plugins).

Activate the plugin with Dashboard > Plugins > Installed Plugins

Stand-alone JavaScript

By including the Qwizcards JavaScript files in your own pages, you can create quizzes and Quiz shortcodes and Flashcard shortcodes).

Currently, labeled diagrams cannot be created outside WordPress, norflashcard decks using the standard Qwizcards shortcodes (see Quizzes  can you use the “wizard” (which creates shortcodes for you) – but we’ll have these features soon!

To create quizzes and flashcard decks on your own pages, add this code to the <head> section of each web page:

    <script src="//"></script>
    <script src="//"></script>
    <link href="//" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>

    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />


These HTML tags load the needed jQuery scripts from jQuery’s repository (a “CDN” – content delivery network) and load the Qwizcards scripts from the site.  So you don’t actually need to download anything!


You can customize your quizzes and flashcards by including code such as the following in the <head> or <body> sections of your web page, before the script code shown above.

   var qwiz_params = {
      'icon_qwiz': 'Icon and link',
      'T':         {
         'Got it!':            'Show next card',
         'Need more practice': 'Show this card again later'

This code sets two properties: “icon_qwiz” (for the Qwizcards icon that appears on the first page/card of a quiz or flashcard deck); and “T” (for “translations”).

The icon_qwiz property value determines how the Qwizcards icon is displayed.  It may have the following values: “Icon and link”, “Icon only”, “Not displayed”.

The T property is an object that may contain properties consisting of the values of strings displayed by the qwiz.js and qwizcards.js scripts.  You can enter new values for each such string, which will replace the default strings displayed by the scripts.  In this example, “Got it!” and “Need more practice” are the default labels of two buttons that accompany flashcards.  With this code, the first button instead will have the label, “Show next card”, and the second button will have the label, “Show this card again later”.

Labeled diagrams

Please note that the stand-alone version of Qwizcards does not allow you to create new labeled diagrams, for now.  Labeled diagrams are created through integration with the WordPress editor, TinyMCE.

If you create a labeled diagram within WordPress, you should be able to copy the page (use Text mode) to another web site, where the stand-alone version will be able to display the labeled-diagram.

Working example

    <script src="//"></script>
    <script src="//"></script>
    <link href="//" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>

    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

[q] Define "gene"
[a] The unit of heredity.
[q] Define "heredity."
[a] The passing of traits from parent to offspring.


15 thoughts on “Downloads


    Hola, después de invertir un montón de tiempo en hacer flascards he comprobado que no se puede utilizar con el LMS tan famoso de SENSEI.

    Dan Kirshner ¿habría alguna posibilidad de que Qwizcards fuera compatible con Sensei LMS? Muchas gracias

    He comprobado que no es compatible porque Sensei daba muchos fallos que se han resuelto tras desactivar QWIZCARDS


    1. Dan Kirshner

      For my English-only compadres, Google Translate:

      Hi, after spending a lot of time making flashcards I have found that it cannot be used with the famous LMS from SENSEI.
      Dan Kirshner would there be any chance that Qwizcards was compatible with Sensei LMS? Thank you
      I have verified that it is not compatible because Sensei gave many errors that have been solved after deactivating QWIZCARDS

      Thanks for the info, Ernesto. I installed SENSEI LMS on my test site, and it seemed to work fine with the Qwizcards plugin active. I created a lesson with a SENSEI quiz, and I added a Qwizcards flashcard deck to that lesson. All seemed to work (both the flashcard deck and the lesson quiz).

      I haven’t added any SENSEI additional features. Have you? I’m trying to understand what might be different between my setup and yours.

      If there was some way I could try out your site WITH Qwizcards active (so I could see the errors), that would be best. Unless you have a duplicate test site, this would involve some down time for SENSEI LMS (since, as you said, there were many errors when Qwizcards was active). Perhaps as a start you could copy some of these errors? Thanks –Dan


      1. ernesto

        Le voy a comentar los errores cuando QWIZCARDS está activo y SENSEI activo:

        Cuando creas una lección en SENSEI en “preguntas del cuestionario” se encuentra el error, específicamente en lo siguiente:
        – Hay 3 pestañas: Nueva pregunta / preguntas existentes / preguntas por categoría.

        El problema viene porque no se puede escoger “preguntas existentes” y “preguntas por categoría” al no responder al darle click sobre los mismos, en ese momento me voy a desactivar qwizcards y si me permite clickear y responde perfectamente “preguntas existentes” y “preguntas por categoría”.

        Otro fallo es cuando hago una pregunta de respuesta múltiple y en “reacción a la respuesta” cuando argumento las preguntas después sale al realizar el test “undefined”. También se soluciona al desactivar qwizcards

        Muchas gracias por su atención


        1. Dan Kirshner

          Brief translation: when adding questions to a Sensei quiz, unable to click “Existing questions” or “Questions by category”, and “Answer feedback” comes back “undefined” when take the quiz.
          Thanks, Ernesto. All of that works fine in my installation with Qwizcards active! Again, if there was some way I could try out your site WITH Qwizcards active I’d at least be able to see the problem. Otherwise, I’m having trouble thinking what the difference might be. –Dan


          1. Dan Kirshner

            Update: at some point in the page load process jQuery is loaded from the source provided by the Qwizcards option, “Force jQuery load”, but this source does not include jQuery.widget, which causes errors.

            Please try a new, beta-test version of the Qwizcards plugin, in which the “Force jQuery load” option also includes jquery-ui, which includes jQuery.widget, etc.

            To try the beta version: Dashboard > Settings > Qwizcards. At the bottom of the Qwizcards options page, under “Revert to an earlier version” enter 0.00. Then click “Save changes”.

            After the page refreshes, at the bottom it should show current version = beta 4 for 3.52.

            Please keep me posted!


    1. Dan Kirshner

      As it says, “these… load the Qwizcards scripts from the site. So you don’t actually need to download anything!” You could paste the script names into your browser’s URL bar and get them that way. Or you could download the plugin — all the .js and .css files are there. But we haven’t tried the stand-alone version in… forever. So no promises by a long shot! –Dan


  2. Ben

    Hi Dan,

    Great stuff, first and foremost. It has been fun to use these for a few months now. I wanted to download the files for a non-wordpress install and was curious what kind of license this is under, if any. Is it GNUv3 or MIT, by chance? I don’t want to make manipulations to the code unless that’s in the spirit of your intentions for your creation.



    1. Dan Kirshner

      Thanks very much. The license is GPL2 (per qwiz-online-quizzes-wp-plugin.php, the main module of the plugin). We haven’t focused on the stand-alone version for a while now; please keep us posted! We’re planning a new, more comprehensive stand-alone version, which includes a non-WordPress version of the TinyMCE editor. Let us know if that’s of interest.



      1. Ben

        Hi Dan,

        Thanks fo the reply. It’s great to see you chose GPLv2. I have been tinkering with the standalone and I really enjoy using it. That TinyMCE editor is probably a good idea for most users but I enjoy the longhand code. Now that I know you are doing GPLv2, I am going to try to get some of my friends to make flashcards and see if they are comfortable with it (non-coding background). I bet they would love the TinyMCE as it will have a smaller learning curve.

        Thanks again for all your help. I’ll keep you posted over when we have had a few months to enjoy what you have built.



    1. Dan Kirshner

      I just downloaded the files, and copied and pasted the “working example.” The only problem I had was that the quotation marks, for example in src=”jquery-1.11.1.min.js”, were wrong and I had to replace each one with a regular double quote. Then it worked fine (Firefox and Chrome on PC). I’ve since fixed those double quotes, so the example should work fine.


  3. Matt

    any chance you could combine this with the plugin HH Quizzes to make a supercharged plugin and then make it compatible with the theme WPLMS?


    1. Dan Kirshner

      No, no chance! I looked at HH Quizzes — the documentation consists mainly of “read the code” — which is commented in German, so doubly obscure to me.

      The WPMLS site seems incomplete (the Latin “impsum dolor” etc. is still present in many cases) and is impossible to navigate. The one WordPress support-site comment I saw said “do not buy this.”



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